11. Investment properties

M €



Fair value of investment properties, at 1 Jan

3 708,8

3 510,3

Acquisition of investment properties *)



Modernisation investments



Disposals of investment properties



Capitalised borrowing costs



Valuation gains/losses on fair value assessment



Fair value of investment properties, at 31 Dec

3 999,2

3 708,8


The fair values include the investment properties classified into Non-current assets held for sale, totalling EUR 534.3 million.

The Group has acquisition agreements for new development and renovations, presented in Note 28.

*) Includes the acquisition costs of new properties under construction.


The change in the fair value of investment properties results from investments, changes in market prices and parameters used in valuation as well as from expiry of restrictions on some properties.

Some of the investment properties are subject to legislative divestment and usage restrictions. Usage and divestment restrictions are mainly related to balance sheet value properties and usage restrictions to yield value properties. The so-called non-profit restrictions apply to the owning company, and the so-called property-specific restrictions apply to the investment owned. The non-profit restrictions include, among other things, permanent restrictions on the company’s operations, dis-tribution of profit, lending and provision of collateral, and the divestment of investments. The property-specific restrictions include fixed-term restrictions on the use of apartments, the selection of residents, the determination of rent and divestment of apartments.

Investment properties by valuation classes


M €

31 Dec 2015

31 Dec 2014

1 Jan 2014

Properties measured at market value

2 417,6

2 117,7

1 932,9

Properties measured at yield value




Properties measured at acquisition method





3 999,2

3 708,8

3 510,3


The above fair values include the investment properties classified into Non-current assets held for sale on 31 December 2015 (mainly balance sheet properties), totalling EUR 534.3 million.


Measurement process of investment property

In the transaction value method, the measurement is performed with the help of the price tracking service provided by the Central Federation of Finnish Real Estate Agencies (KVKL), including pricing information on sales of individual apartments in Finland provided by real estate agents. The resulting property-specific transaction value is individually adjusted based on the condition, location, and other characteristics of the rental property.

In the yield value method, the fair value is determined by capitalising net rental income, using property-specific required rate of net rental income.

In the acquisition cost method, rental properties are carried at original acquisition cost, deducted by the depreciation accumulated up to the IFRS transition date and any impairment losses.

VVO Group performs intra-company measurement of investment property each quarter. The results of the assessment are reported to the Management Group, Audit Committee and Board of Directors. The measurement process, market conditions and other factors affecting the assess-ment of the fair value of properties are reviewed on a quarterly basis with the CEO and CFO in accordance with the Group’s reporting schedule. Each quarter, an external independent expert, Realia Management Oy, issues a statement on the valuation methods applied in the valuation of rental apartments and business premises owned by VVO Group as well as on the quality and reli-ability of the valuation.

Sensitivity analysis of investment property fair value

Sensitive analysis of investment properties


31 Dec 2015


Change %



-10 %

-5 %

0 %

5 %

10 %

Properties measured at market values


Change in market prices






Properties measured at yield values


Yield requirement






Lease income






Maintenance costs







Financial Occupancy rate


(change in procent points)

-2 %

-1 %

0 %

1 %

2 %


Rent income






All of VVO’s investment properties are classified into the fair value hierarchy level 3 in accordance with IFRS 13. Hierarchy level 3 includes assets the fair value of which is measured using input data concerning the asset that are not based on observable market data.

The weighted average for the return requirement was 7.2% for rental homes included within the scope of the yield value method in 2015, and 11.0% for business premises.




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